Since one of the reasons I bought the Touch rather than another Duet was
for the ability to play 96/24 tracks, let me just comment on this.  I
started another thread on here asking for specific tracks people had
purchased that sounded better in 96/24 than 44/16.  Nobody provided
even a single such track.  Got lots of suggestions about really good
sounding hi-res tracks, but not a single person claimed to have done
comparisons and been able to hear a difference between the two versions
of the same track.  I have purchased a few hi-res tracks now and have a
couple both hi-res and CD quality.  While the hi-res tracks sound very
good, so do CD quality tracks from the same labels.  When you add in
the premium price labels are asking for the hi-res material, it is not
at all clear to me that it is worth buying, and I would not now
consider this an important reason for purchasing the Touch (even though
it influenced me).

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