On 20/10/10 20:03, soundcheck wrote:
> Robin Bowes;584132 Wrote: 
>> You are *not* reporting hard facts, you are reporting your opinions.
>> The only disrespect and poor attitude that I'm seeing is from you
>> because not everyone has the same opinion as you, or accepts your
>> opinion as "hard fact".
>> If anyone's mixing things up it's you.
>> R.
>> -- 
>> "Feed that ego and you starve the soul" - Colonel J.D. Wilkes
>> http://www.theshackshakers.com/
> That's your opinion accompanied by your attitude.

It's my opinion, yes.

There is no attitude, unless you equate "not agreeing with you" to
"having attitude" ?

> I'll cut this nonsense off here. This is getting ridiculous.


"Feed that ego and you starve the soul" - Colonel J.D. Wilkes
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