On 20/10/10 22:14, magiccarpetride wrote:

> Robin Bowes;584128 Wrote: 
>> So, I would conclude that the reason for your perceived improvement in
>> sound quality after switching from Duet to Touch is *not* due to SNR.
> All right, WHAT is it due to then?

Well, as I'm sure you're aware, the S/PDIF data stream is a biphase mark
code - a form of Manchester encoding. So, the clock signal is embedded
in the signal and must be recovered from the encoded data.

If the data stream is anything other than perfect then there is the
possibility that the timing data is not recovered correctly - a
phenonenon known as "jitter". Jitter is often blamed for differences
between digital audio components. However, there is a lot of speculation
over the level of jitter that may be audible.

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