soundcheck;610255 Wrote: 
> When it comes to magiccarpetride. I 100% support him. 
> He is one of the very few ones over here having the guts to support me
> and my efforts.

I don't need no guts to support you, Klaus. What most people here don't
know is that I hold a PhD in Bullshit Detection (my doctoral thesis was
on passive/aggressive bullies). My bullshit meter is always on, and
right now it's ringing like crazy!

What's been happening recently in this thread is scandalous and immoral
behavior of the few members who, out of jealousy, envy, uptight
prudishness, or just plain old ignorance, have been attacking people
who are simply communicating and sharing their work and their

People, this has got to stop. It is highly immoral to attack, deride
and ridicule a human being who is kind enough to offer, not only free
of charge, but also with full blown post-implementation support, the
fruits of his expertise and hard work. If you disagree with Klaus, or
don't like the fact that he's been gaining in popularity and
recognition here and elsewhere, please just move on. Nothing to see
here. No one's putting a gun to your head, insisting that you must
consider his offerings.

So why don't all of you passive-aggressive bullies gracefully bow out
and leave us alone to continue working on making our digital player
(Touch) the best it can possibly be?

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