Daverz;610714 Wrote: 
> It's bogus in the sense that a lot of the people that say that are just
> repeating received wisdom rather than speaking from experience.  But
> there are folks that really enjoy the sound of records more.

That may be exactly what I’m going through right now. I see all these
blogs about how people are jumping back into vinyl and I’m wondering if
I’m missing out on something. Maybe I am just getting caught up in the
hype. So far though, I’m not convinced. There would have to be major
improvements over my B&O to bring it up to the level of my SB3/DAC. 

Daverz;610714 Wrote: 
> I don't think much of Rega tables, though the arms are very good.  And
> $1500 total doesn't leave much room for a good cart and phono pre-amp
> given that the P3-24 starts at about $900 or so.  Was it all Rega
> equipment?
> Some of those B&O tables were quite respectable.  I had a couple back
> in the 90s, and I remember enjoying them more than the Rega Planar 3 I
> had.  If the stylus is worn, you might consider replacing the cartridge
> with one from 'SoundSmith'
> (http://www.sound-smith.com/cartridges/boall.html).  They have an
> adapter so you can keep the cart if you upgrade to a new TT.  It's also
> possible you might benefit from a better phono preamp.  It's never going
> to sound like the Benchmark, though. 

The equipment  I auditioned included the Rega, a Grado Sonata cartridge
and a Sumiko Tube Box phono preamp. The $1500 figure I mentioned was
just ballpark. We never even got close to negotiating a final price on
it. It was difficult to compare his Rega on his system in his store
with the sound of my B&O on my system in my living room 2 hours later.
But I didn’t think they sounded that much different. In fact, I
couldn’t even tell if his sounded better than mine. The big problem
with the B&O is that I can’t upgrade it. I’ve got a good cartridge in
it, and that’s about all I can do. I do have a cheap ($50) phono
preamp. Will upgrading the preamp make a big difference?

Daverz;610714 Wrote: 
>  This is all pretty irrelevant unless you have records you really want
> to hear.  If you're happy with the digital versions available -- and I
> have to say I'm usually pretty satisfied with the quality of digital
> transfers when they are available -- then there isn't much point to
> this exercise.

I have a fair amount of music that I still like to listen to that I
have only on records. Of course the aggravation of dealing with them,
plus the inferior sound quality discourages me from pulling them out of
the closet. If I could substantially improve the sound I would be
listening to them a lot more.

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