...I have borrowed a Squeezebox Touch and the sound (as a transport at
least without any fancy tweaks) is top notch. Much more air, and
sweeter treble than the Duet. So sorry for doubting you chaps - my
plans have changed to have the SBT as my transport, so it's now looking
more like this:

SBT >> Modified DPA Little Bit 3.

BUT - John - I would really love to try the USB mod to get async
working from the SBT - then my next step would be:

SBT >> Musical Fidelity V-Link >> Modified DPA Little Bit 3 (if the
async USB mod works reliably John - here's hoping so because I like the
SBT  - and thanks for your hard work!).

Then later on, a further progression (or addition) to the family might
end up being:

SBT >> HRT Music Streamer II (via the software modified async
connection of course).

Lots of fun to be had; starting with the SBT. So please do your
business async USB hack, that'll be the best SBT software hack of all!

stop-spinning's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=43254
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