After researching a bit and reading up on the forum, I would like to set
up my squeezebox touch as follows and any input, criticism, guidance,
etc to help all of us get on the right path would help. I will post
back my experience so others can learn as well:

Current Setup:
1)      Do not have an option to run wired ethernet as NAS is in another
room and wiring is not convenient. Besides I would like to keep the fan
noise out of my listening room
2)      Running Squeezecenter on a Readynas NV+ and will upgrade to Netgear 
Pro very soon. Have a dedicated router that is only used for streaming
using WLAN to the touch, duet and SB3 in 3 different rooms. Router is a
Cisco Linksys 610N. Have around 2 TB of music and using a laptop with a
hiface and a itunes / hard disk / Mac,  just does not cut it for me due
to my LARGE music library
3)      Touch analog outputs are not used and the SPDIF out put goes into
the Audio Research Dac 8. Sound is OK but not on par with my Ayre C5XE
MP CD Player even using good cables: stereovox xv ultra coax digital
cable, kimber palladian power cord and kimber 1120 balanced
interconnects on the Audio Research dac 8
4)      All the equipment including the Touch is plugged into a Shunyata
Hydra 8

Planned Setup:
1)      Perform Soundcheck mods as posted on his tutorial
2)      Plug the NAS and the router into a conditioner / filter. Thinking of
Shunyata Hydra 2. If I use a UPS, the hydra will go into the APC 1000 on
line UPS. Use an audiophile cable from the outlet to the Hydra 2. Not
decided on the UPS as yet as I usually put the NAS off when not using
3)      Change the power cable on the NAS to a decent audiophile cable like
the KIMBER PK 10 gold
4)      Change the power supply on the router and the touch to a linear
power supply
5)      Buy a bridge like WET 610N or use another router as a bridge (use
ddwrt) and change the power supply to linear as well. Connect the touch
to the Ethernet port of the bridge
6)      Stream using wlan from the router connected to the NAS to the router
connected to the touch
Audiophiles may like the setup as it theoretically should isolate all
the noise and result in a good / hopefully bit perfect output on the
SPDIF output of the touch. The NAS will be in another room and the fan
noise will not interrupt with the sound but we need the technically
adept members of the forum to give us their input to see if the above
will result in a better / bit perfect signal on the touch SPDIF output.
Computer Audiophile in its review of the touch claims that the SPDIF
output of the touch is bit perfect but I have my doubts as my ears are
not HAPPY!
Do not want to be in a situation where I go and buy the power supplies,
etc only to find out that its of no use as my ears will still not be

Request everyone that is interested in getting a good sound using WLAN
to study the above and give input. Or is there no way to get good sound
using WLAN? This is a mystery to me! 


Squeezebox Touch, Duet and Classic, Ayre C 5 XE MP CD Player, Audio
Research Ref 5 Preamp, Audio Research Dac 8, Mark Levinson No 436
Monoblocks, Shunyata Hydra, Cables: Shunyata Anaconda, Kimber
Palladian, Stereovox Ultra digital cable
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