dhinesh;621992 Wrote: 
> Speakers: yup! have always had them and seem to have erased it from the
> signature when updating :)
> Thanks for all the input. Let me share my thoughts with y
> 2) Transporter: Will not use the DAC on the transporter as the Audio
> Research Dac 8 is far superior. It has two oscillators: one for
> multiples of 44.1 KHZ and one for multiples of 48 KHZ so we avoid
> fractional sampling and the music is played at the native frequency.
> Have some 88.2 khz material (vinyl rips) that I would like to play in
> the native frequency via my laptop. The audio research Dac 8 does this.
> As of now, no other dac does this, same thing goes for 176 khz. Ayre and
> others will upsample it to 192 and not play at the native frequency.
> Native frequency sounds much better. There is not too much material at
> these frequencies but have some audiophile stuff that is at these
> frequencies. Hence, transporter not an option as I have invested a lot
> (recently) into the Dac 8. Also with transporter, I will be addressing
> the WLAN problem like the squeezebox touch. Also if I am not using the
> DAC, seems a bit of over kill as the touch with a linear power supply
> and some mods should outperform it. Correct me if I am wrong
> 5) DRC: not sure what you mean. Request clarification 
> Thanks for all the input. BTW if you are in the market for a USB DAC,
> check out the Audio Research DAC 8. GREAT SOUND!! Very impressive
> indeed!I don't have much money to throw around right now, but if I did I would
be very tempted by a Linn Klimax, or DCS DAC or maybe a NAD M2. If the
NAD had asynchronous USB in I reckon it would be irresistible.
The touch has 2 different oscillators actually. I know this because i
replaced at Audio upgrades (maybe now called Fidelity audio or
Some dacs do automatically convert of sample rates- but i wasn't aware
that all of them did. I am not sure whether the touch does for its
SPDIF out, but other more technical folk will know.
AS regards the transporter as i understand it its internal PS layout an
design are much more sophisticated than the touch, and there are
internal bits in the touych (switchmode regulators?) which are
difficult to replace but which (many folk say) make the benefit of an
external linear supply doubtful.
By the dtime you have purchased a linear psu (anywhere from 150 to 1000
(see Bolder cables)) maybe you might as well have got the transporter.
If you really want to soup up the touch I reckon that at some expense
you could get a separate PSU for the clock, which might help.
I would have guessed that it would be worth at least trying out the
transporter on digital out, as there are sound reasons why it might be
All this is subject to the proviso that many people argue with some
force that a properly engineered dac shouldn't really be affected that
much by the transport, and the Touch digital out has been measured by
many people as being fine.
Anyway maybe you can use the Touch usb out with the Audio Research

As regards DRC I have just started fiddling with Inguz which can be
bolted on  for free (but with measuring equipment required) -better
check that out on its own thread. There are strong arguments that
whatever fiddling you do with a transport or even dac will be a drop in
the ocean compared with the beneficial changes available via room

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