snottmonster;625542 Wrote: 
> Urghh... Thanks (I think). I got as far as the new claim that "A Windows
> based server sounds better then a Linux based server on the same HW" (ie
> about 10 pages) and felt the will to live slowly draining from my
> body...
> Anyway, based on those results I revise my position: 
> - Definitive measurements? Yes! 
> - Definitive evidence of the modifications improving SQ? Hardly...
> And given that is for the analogue out which would have most potential
> to see improvement, it doesn't bode well for anyone who claims to hear
> an improvement via the digital out.

+1 (and the scary part to me is that people report hearing "amazing"
differences (always improvement of course) from the digital outs.) But
suggest an ABX test and you'll be met with lots of resistance!

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