Hi folks.

It seems that somebody is following my DIY-Audio thread. ;)

Just to let you now:

I introduced chapter 1.9 on my blog.

I'm talking about Network Optimizations and different networking
implementations on different operating systems. ( We touched upon that

Networking/Streaming is a very high prioritized task - for obvious
reasons - on the the Touch. 

The ones that managed to understand the logic behind my mods will
easily understand, that such a load might have an impact on the device.

What's going on:

1. First the ethernet needs to be managed on it's own from the Touch
There are numerous parameters optimizing TCP/IP traffic. By default
most of them are not properly set. ( You can learn a lot if you follow
the online gamer crowd tactics btw.) 
2. The server needs to step on it's brakes all the time, otherwise the
Touch would be flooded.
3. And 3rd the streaming  buffer needs to be continuously refilled
causing a
continuous load on the machine/scheduler. 
(It seems that inefficiencies have been realized be Logitech too.
They seem to have optimized traffic handling in 7.6.)  

Trying this just takes 5 minutes. Just a little configuration work to
do on the server side.



::: ' Touch Toolbox 2.0'
:::  by soundcheck
soundcheck's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=34383
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=84742

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