soundcheck;625773 Wrote: 
> @firedog
> You run an EA Pacecar (1250$!) according to your signature, right? And
> your Touch is even slaved to the Pacecar!?!?
> The Pacecar is supposed to be doing quite sophisticated reclocking,
> right? 
> The only reason for that device to exist is to clean up the mess
> supplied by the source - any source. 
> You IMO shouldn't hear any differences with any of my Touch mods
> assuming that Steve knows what he's doing. ;)
> As I always been saying. My mods will have more impact on one system
> and less on others. Not any system in the world will sound the same. 
> And arguing about it is waste of time. ;)

First, running an old, second hand PaceCar (not $1250).

Second, I heard the Touch before it was modded and slaved....And I've
also had an off the shelf Touch in here since for comparison purposes.
Sorry, I guess I should have stated that for ultimate clarity.

Third, you claim that running a Touch over ethernet with wlan circuits
turned off makes an audible difference, even on a standard Touch
running as a digital transport only. If so, what's your "explanation"
for the difference this makes in the resulting SQ? In my understanding,
if these mods actually work, they should have some impact in my present
setup also. If this is totally incorrect, let me know - I'll remove the
mods and only use them when I get a second, off the shelf Touch.

Finally, Klaus, why so defensive? All I said was that I thought your
mods make a small positive difference. I can't be sure b/c I don't have
the equipment to run a proper blind test. Does it offend you that not
everyone describes your mods as making "orders of magnitude"
improvements? I've actually defended and recommended your mods on this
and other forums, and BTW, I made a small donation at your site in
recognition of your efforts. 

In my book, once you have good equipment, even small improvements tend
to be quite costly. So I think the "small improvements" your mods bring
are welcome and significant, especially since they are free. But
audiophillia is full of descriptions about upgrades that are wildly
significant, when in fact the resulting improvements are actually small
or nonexistent. I don't see any reason that I have to be in that camp.


GIK Acoustics Room Treatments. Tranquil PC fanless WHS server running
SqueezeServer; SB Touch slaved to Empirical Audio Pace Car; MF X-DACV3,
MF X-150 amp, Devore Gibbon Super 8 Speakers; Dual 506 + Ortofon 20
(occasional use); sometimes use PC with M-Audio 192 as digital source.
SB Boom in second room. Arcam CD82 which I don't use anymore, even
though it's a very good player.
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