Nyal Mellor;637594 Wrote: 
> Hi everyone,
> I am the US distributor of XTZ Room Analyzer. I've been working on
> putting up educational material on the different measurements on my
> website in the Acoustics University section.
> I'm also writing a white paper with another acoustician, Jeff Hedback,
> on the acoustic measurement targets for high end audio reproduction
> which will be released in a few months and is worth keeping an eye out
> for.
> All the best, Nyal

Great!  Will definitely keep my eyes open for that!  It would also be
great if you could post some illustrative measurements, along with
their interpretations, on your website (besides the basic one's).  In
fact, seeing "before" and "after" measurements (after room treatment,
system tweaks, etc) would be really helpful!


main system:  touch > benchmark dac-1 > conrad-johnson ct-5 preamp and
premier 350 amp > ml summits. audience au24e and blue jeans cables. 
secondary systems:  sb3 in master br (russound r235ls amp driving
in-ceiling speaker) and game room (powered swan s200a speakers), with
boom in home office. member of the 'suncoast audiophile society'
sleepysurf's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=14
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