I used a Squeezebox Classic for several years with a Lavry DA-10 DAC.
The sound was excellent. I had auditioned a Transporter a few years
back and couldn't justify the additional expense. 

I bought a Touch when they became available a little over a year ago. I
was immediately impressed with the sound quality from the analog

One of the nice things about Squeezebox players is they are easy to
sync and level match. I compared the analog outs of the Touch against
the SB3/Lavry combo. Over a period of 2 weeks, I found I could not
reliably tell which unit was playing without checking the position of
the amp's selector switch. I ended up selling the Lavry DAC and moved
the SB3 to a second system. 

For more than a year I've been listening and enjoying a wide range of
music through the Touch. I've not had even a remote thought about
upgrading or adding a DAC. 

Others have reached different conclusions, but I'd suggest anyone use
the Touch by itself for a while before getting in the upgrade chase.

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