magiccarpetride;639300 Wrote: 
> I don't think that UI is a big problem for them. What is a big show
> stopper for the Touch is the fact that some of the features that are
> apparently easy-breezy to set up tend to act up during operation. This
> is what angers many Touch users. For example, a friend of mine was
> having a hell of a horrible time trying to get his Touch to recognize
> his external hard drive, that was hanging off his PC, after the restart
> of the Touch. Eventually, after many attempts etc., being in complete
> exasperation, he returned it for a refund! That's a shame...
> I've never experienced such problems because my entire music library is
> on my Mac's hard drive where I have the squeezebox server installed. But
> apparently if you divorce the two drives, Touch gets temperamental.
> That's absolutely moronic, if you ask me, and Logitech needs to fix
> that, and pronto.
> So I think they need to get their act together and make all the
> features work as advertised. Either that, or remove those flaky
> features.

Say what? I have a very large music library which is spread over two
external Drobo ( drives connected to the computer
(running Windows 7) which runs SBS. (Which, btw, is a very similar set
up to your SBS/Mac setup, which in turn is similar to all SBS set ups.)
My Squeezebox devices (a Transporter, two Touches and two Classics) DO
NOT have to recognize my hard drives, rather they have to connect to
SBS (Squeezebox Server). It is SBS that the devices have to recognize
and it is SBS which has to find the external hard drives. The way SBS
"finds" an external drive is through the addition of a simple shortcut
placed in the music folder that is set on the "Basic Settings" page of
SBS's web interface.

I suggest that you double check exactly what your friend was doing
before you point the blame at Logitech. I'm not trying to defend
Logitech but rather trying to understand what was really going wrong
with your friend's Touch. Perhaps you meant that the Touch could not
find an external drive connected directly to the Touch itself?


Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels -> Snatch -> The Transporter ->
Transporter 2 (oops) -> Touch

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