rgro;652184 Wrote: 
> Possibly having a small problem....I created the file SB_priority in the
> init.d folder and copy/pasted the script into that file and saved it.
> I put the other command in like this (in the rcS file)
> # Start squeezeplay
> /etc/init.d/SB_priority &
> /etc/init.d/squeezeplay start
> Then, I saved it and rebooted.  When I run the chmod 777 SB_priority
> command, it returns:
> /etc/init.d$ chmod 777 SB_priority
> Is that the correct response to the chmod command???? And, do I have
> the /etc/init.d/SB_priority & in the correct position in the rcS file?
> Thanks again.

You want your script running after you start squeezeplay especially if
you are changing the priority on the jive_alsa process.  It doesn't
start until squeezeplay fires it.

Jeff Flowerday
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