bobertuk;652218 Wrote: 
> The end of my rcS file looks like this and I get no errors...
> # Start Samba
> #if [ -x /etc/init.d/samba ]; then
> #     /etc/init.d/samba start &
> #fi
> # Call file 'SB_priority' to set all audio priorities
> # by ensuring squeezeplay is fully initialised first
> /etc/init.d/SB_priority &
> # Start squeezeplay
> /etc/init.d/squeezeplay start
> I've only commented out the block beginning '# Start Samba' myself.
> Yours may not be commented out - it's OK either way!
> You also need to change file access permissions at the command line
> before rebooting. Use...
> chmod 777 /etc/init.d/SB_priority 
> Does that help?
> Bob
> P.S. the '&' at the end of '/etc/init.d/SB_priority &' causes the file
> SB_priority to run as a separate and independent process (a background
> task). It will not stop rcS from running - squeezeplay will still
> initialize and SB_priority will run in the background waiting for 100
> secs before it executes it's commands.

So, my rcS file now looks exactly like yours and I typed

chmod 777 /etc/init.d/SB_priority 

into the command line before rebooting.  Now, after rebooting, when I'm
in the init.d directory, I type into the command line: 

chmod 777 SB_priority 

it returns:

/etc/init.d$ chmod 777 SB_priority

Am I supposed to see something different returned, or is this the
correct response?  Or am I not even supposed to be typing

chmod 777 SB_priority 

into the command line?  I guess I'm not clear on how you know from this
if SB_priority is executable or not.

Thanks so much for your patience.



System information
Main: PS Audio Quintet > Vortexbox > Touch (wired) via spdif coax >
Rega DAC > LFD LE IV amp > VA Mozart Grands > REL Acoustics R305.  

Home Theatre:  SBR (Wired) > Pioneer VSX 919 > Energy Take 5 Classic

SBS 7.6.0 r32859 running on a Vortexbox Appliance, V 1.9.  Touch
w/Hardware V.5.  Touch: FW 7.6 r9458.  Duet: FW 77 r9458.
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