Many thanks for all of your efforts on TT3 Klaus. I've spent the evening
tweaking and listening and had some interesting findings:

I've been running TT2 for about 6 months and really enjoyed the
differences it brought over the stock touch. I particularly love the
sound of 24-bit recordings through it. Tonight I installed the TT3 mods
after a factory reset and applied all mods with buffer set to 3400. Like
others here I found it sounded quite digital, a bit forced, too hot, a
bit too in your face, but at the same time I was also aware that the
bass had tightened up and was really snappy and went lower with more
control. Nevertheless, to me it was not as musically enjoyable as
TT2.0, so I reverted for a couple of hours. 

The bass in TT2 after going back really did sound quite flabby and
started to grate a bit so I wondered if a compromise could be reached.
One thing I always have preferred in TT2.0 was to have quite a high
buffer setting, particularly as 24/96 material tended to stutter quite
badly on pause/play with low buffer settings. I also found the sound
somewhat smoother and less fatiguing with large buffers so I thought to
try this on TT3.0.

So I did another factory reset and re-installed TT3.0 and weirdly,
before I even got the chance to change the buffer setting I was
convinced that it sounded better than it did the first time around.
That digital glare was gone and the sound was much more balanced. Maybe
this was just me getting used to the sound as it made no sense that it
should sound any different as the install method and settings were the
same as the first time around, although I'd be interested to hear if
anyone else experiences this.

Anyway, I went ahead and maxed out the buffer setting and later
increased the priority of the SPDIF output as you mentioned, and that's
where I'm at now. A good 3 hours of music later and absolutely LOVING
the sound. It's well balanced, that lovely tight and well controlled
bass is there. Detail levels are astounding: a real sense of looking
right into the recording. Engaging your method of fixing the volume at
100% seems to bring out more detail too, although I've not A/B'd this
to any great extent as yet.

With TT2.0 there was a real gulf between 16/44 and 24/96 recordings.
TT3.0 has made 16/44 that bit closer to 24/96 with a great big jump in

I think it's going to be a weekend occupied with a lot of listening.
Many thanks again. A donation is on its way.


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