
1) don't assume what you don't know
2) this is a forum - you don't get to make the rules.
3) resorting to ad hominem attacks means that deep down even you don't
believe the truth of your position. I suggest that instead of attacking
me for things I haven't done, you go listen to some music.

As Clint Eastwood famously said in one of his Dirty Harry movies:

Opinions are like arseholes - everyones got one. (You've clearly got
three points to make)

I frankly dont have the time or energy to shoot the breeze, or discuss
the semantics. My ears tell me what I enjoy listening to & Klaus' latest
release should be both applauded and appreciated. 

What I am interested in is discussing with fellow Touch customers my
experience of TT3.0 when appropriate.

pandasharka's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=45806
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=91322

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