Update to my previous post, setting spdif priority to 01 - after a while
realised this was not a solution and sounded pretty awful. So set it
back to 40.
tried chrt -f -r 40 367 which is round robin priority, result was a
sweeter sound with some loss of timing and loss of high frequency,
another dead end.
ok, then tried adjusting the usb priority IRQ 37 eventually settled on

chrt -o -r 0 with spdif at standard setting (reason was that Klaus had
commented that usb could be set low, so tried to reduce it's priority,
why do I need usb process ?), now this made a big improvement getting
rid of the harsh and aggressive sound, but still having the dynamics,
range and detail of spdif priority 40.
ok, that was progress, next step was to stop the usb IRQ37. this made a
surprising improvement, the difference is unbelievable, levels of detail
beyond my expectations, everything just sounds right, timing, dynamics,
range. there is no harshness either. I am now pretty pleased with the
set up and can't imagine how the sound could be improved, it really is
that good.

Have SB Touch, main cable r us Mk2 power supply, meicord ethernet from
laptop(ssd) to SB, full tt 3.0 settings without tt
-k,fideliser-audiophile, no SB hardware mods, Trichord powerblock, Linn
Klout, Benchmark Dac 1, ATC SCM20's - so capable of neutral detailed
sound. maybe combined with the dac1 emphasised the harshness of the
tt3.0 sound, but now have a fantastic sound. 

suppose it can be tried out with the kill -9 ??? statement, but did not
know the pid for IRQ 37.

so changed the usr\bin\tt file

settings are below

the only change is the new kill statement at the end of the priority

kill -9 $(pidof IRQ-37)


echo "PID - Jive-Alsa:  $PIDJIVEALSA" >>$LOG2 
chrt -f -p $PRIOJIVEALSA $PIDJIVEALSA            >>$LOG2  2>&1         

#chrt -f -p $PRIOJIVE $PIDJIVE                   >/dev/null 2>&1       

chrt -f -p $PRIOSIRQTASKLET0 $PIDSIRQTASKLET0    >/dev/null 2>&1       

chrt -f -p $PRIOSIRQHRTIMER $PIDSIRQHRTIMER      >/dev/null 2>&1       

chrt -f -p $PRIOWATCHDOG $PIDWATCHDOG            >/dev/null 2>&1       

chrt -f -p $PRIOLOADAVG $PIDLOADAVG              >/dev/null 2>&1       

chrt -f -p $PRIODOFPSXCPUTMR $PIDOFPSXCPUTMR     >/dev/null 2>&1       

chrt -f -p $PRIOIRQ47 $PIDIRQ47                  >/dev/null 2>&1       

chrt -f -p $PRIOIRQ14 $PIDIRQ14                  >/dev/null 2>&1       

chrt -f -p $PRIOIRQ37 $PIDIRQ37                  >/dev/null 2>&1       

chrt -f -p $PRIOIRQ34 $PIDIRQ34                  >/dev/null 2>&1       

chrt -f -p $PRIOSIRNETTX $PIDSIRNETTX            >/dev/null 2>&1
chrt -f -p $PRIOSIRNETRX $PIDSIRNETRX            >/dev/null 2>&1
kill -9 $(pidof IRQ-37) 

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