magiccarpetride;683694 Wrote: 
> You keep improving something that the geniuses in this forum know for a
> fact it cannot be improved. Bits are bits after all, and there is no
> way on god's green earth that you can make that bit '1' be more '1'
> than it already is. And yet, somehow, you're managing to do it.
> This is turning into a bizarro audiophile forum...

Don't know what's more bizarr. The big improvement after big
improvement for every tiny change to the system, or the guys who don't
believe anything.

For me it's a welcome improvement going from stock SBT to TT3.0.
I also believe that the Teddy Pardo PSU made å small difference.

Where you guys are with big improvements when changing prio on one
process, or putting a shakti stone on top of one component, I'm not.
During the years I'm less confident that I hear all the differences...

When the measureable output from a fully modified SBT are identical to
those from a stock SBT, It makes me wonder.

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