vett93;686044 Wrote: 
> Reducing the buffer does not decrease the latency. It just reduces the
> unused portion of the buffer. Why that would do anything to improve
> sound is really beyond me....
> Is there a place that I can find the key ideas of improvement that this
> Toolbox offers?

Think Soundchecks TT3.0 blog entry goes into some detail. Also, if you
do some searches on this and other forums you can follow the
development and crystallisation of the ideas behinf the mods. 
If you ignore the priority and buffer tweaking (which even Soundcheck
says is not the finished article) then the TT3.0 mods raise the
performance over the base Touch settings, main benefit is reducing
noise. The Touch is an average music player, with these mods it becomes
an above average to very good music player depending on what else has
been alterd. I certainly wouldn't be without them.

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