I've had this happen to me numerous times over the last 15 years that
I've had a "good" audio system and been working to make it better.

Transitions to markedly better audio are often described as "removing a
layer of dirt from a window".  Is it so hard then to understand that--if
you clean the inside of your windows--other changes you might make, like
cleaning the outside of your windows too or sprucing up the flowers in
your front yard, are now more impactful to your eyes and make the whole
"looking out the window" experience much more enjoyable? 

I strongly doubt the general expectation-driven "it's all in your head"
picture. On that hypothesis, way more than half of the tweaks should be
experienced as a positive change, since hope for a positive outcome is
presumably the most common motivator of tweaking.  In the real world
though, many of the things I try are neutral or negative and only a few
are positive.  Further, some of the most positive changes have come as a
total surprise to me.  Can you square that experience with "it's all in
my head"?  I can't.

IME the curve doesn't go steadily upwards, getting progressively
steeper as it climbs to the sky.  Rather, it's shaped like a series of
sigmoids.. a change which suddenly enables more clarity enables me to
better hear the effects of subsequent tweaks (if they are good or bad)
so for a while improvement is rapid, but eventually I reach a plateau
where some (currently unknown) new factor limits progress until IT is
discovered and remedied.  This second discovery then ushers in a whole
new round of rapid improvement.

Deny this idea if it makes you feel better, but those that explore with
this idea in mind will make more progress (and have more fun) than those
that choose to stay home "knowing" that they must be correct.

Good luck and good music to you,

My current system:
SB Touch w linear power supply (I'm currenly building a Swenson linear
power supply)
Audiosector NOS DAC
Aspen GK-1 preamp w "Platinum" mods
Aspen AKSA Nirvana Plus and Life Force power amps (8 channels)
Linkwitz Orion v 3.3.1

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