evdplancke;686215 Wrote: 
> I think you are right. If I remember well the theory, given a signal to
> noise ratio and a type of modulation, we can calculate the probability
> of error (bit error rate). When we add noise to a signal, this
> probability is very close but not equal to 0. The question is: at what
> level the bit error rate becomes audible? can we hear a bit error rate
> of 1E-10 for instance?
There have been tests done to show bit perfect transmission to the dac.

Weiss dacs can do this. I belive that it has been confirmed on other
dacs and in other ways that transmission is bit perfect. SPDIF
contatins AFAIK error detection bits (buit not error correction).
I am not convinced that there is any reason why there shopul dnot be
perfect recovery of all data provided that the trasnitions are not
mixed up (which requires serval ns of jitter). 
This old paper concludes that amplitude errors through noise are
http://www.scalatech.co.uk/papers/aes93.pdf . It refers to other papers
on errors in transmission.

But let's suppose that there was an error of one in 10,000,000,000? if
there are 705k music information bits per second for one channel of
16/44, that suggest that one sample every 4 hours might be somewhat
wrong (depending on whether it was the least or most significant bit).
I can't see that this would account for any audible effect because any
effect on the output would only last an instant and would probably be
filtered out by the Anti imaging filter- if one sample value was
significantly changed it would presumably have the effect once decoded
of creating a very very high frequency sound which would eb filtered

I had a look for an estimate of the bit error rate on spdif. I noted
one forum where someone asserted the figure 10^-12 or 100 times lower
than your figure.

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