I'm considering ripping at least some of my LPs to my Vortexbox
Appliance for use with my SBTs. Here is Phil Leigh's reply to an
earlier post.

Phil Leigh;686417 Wrote: 
> Well, it was a while ago. I used my Linn LP12/Ittok/Troika into a Linn
> phono stage then an Apogee ADC into a Digital Audio Labs soundcard via
> s/pdif. I can't remember exactly what software I used - probably
> FastEddie for recording/track splitting and DART for mild de-noising.
> Most importantly, I monitored the process on headphones - speakers were
> silent to avoid any acoustic feedback. Although the LP12 is reasonably
> good at feedback suppression/isolation it wasn't by any means perfect!
> Albums were cleaned on a Keith Monks machine (thanks to a friend who
> had access to one), captured one side at a time, then split into
> tracks, then any severe "clicks" were taken out by hand (a very tedious
> process!) by editing at/near the "sample" level. Then a mild wash
> through DART if required to TRY and get rid of any residual noise - but
> this had to done judiciously - it's easy to overdo it and wreck the
> music. About 30% of my vinyl needed this final step. I only ripped
> stuff I couldn't get elsewhere on CD at the time - although 3/4 of what
> I ripped has since been reissued. The remainder was mostly obscure
> rock/pop stuff that sold 3 copies when released... Tarney/Spencer Band
> or Rockin' Jimmy Byfield anyone?
> Hope this helps
> regards
> Phil

I would probably prefer using some sort of USB phono preamp with
internal ADC rather than a system similar to the one Phil used.

Consequently, I'm looking for users' experiences with USB interfaces
such as the *ART* USBPhonoPlus v2, *NAD* PP3i, or *Pro-Ject* Phono Box
II USB Phono Preamp.

Also, VinylStudio has been suggested as one of the best software
solutions for this purpose. Your experience with this or others?

Ease of operation and SQ of the ultimate result are my main concerns.

Any information will be much appreciated.

Guido F.


Marantz TT 15S1 Turntable, Virtuoso Wood Cartridge->Conrad Johnson
Motif preamp
Oppo BDP-83 Universal Player->Cambridge Azur 840C DAC
Vortexbox Appliance->WiFi Bridge->Squeezebox Touch->Toslink->Cambridge
Azur 840C DAC->Adcom GFP-750 preamp->Music Reference RM-200 Mk II amp
-> Martin Logan SL3s
DSpeaker Antimode 8033->REL T1 Sub
Squeezebox Touch (analog out)->Little Dot Mk III amp->AKG K701
Squeezebox Touch->Grado SR125 headphones
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