evdplancke;686782 Wrote: 
> Some evidences that unicorn does not exist: nobody did never attest to
> have seen a unicorn dead, alive or fossile or any track of it.
What if I claimed that I have seen a unicorn?
And what if I claimed that a farfetched server tweak improved the sound
of my streaming client because I can hear the difference? 

Right, both do not provide any meaingfull evidence.

If we followed your argumentation à la "you cannot exclude that there
is some influence by noise hitting the touch", one could also say that
"you cannot exclude that uicorns are just hiding themselves very well
(they are knwon to be shy) and they do not leave fossiles because they
immediately fall to dust if they die" ...

> Common sense is not factual and might be wrong. Common sense believed
> the earth was flat a few centuries ago. And with common sense, nobody
> would have ever found the law of relativity or quantic physics.
True, but that doesn't have anything to do with my post. I said that
every claim must be supported by evidence (unless it is about a purely
subjective topic like personal taste) if it shall be of any use. The
more farfetched and outlandish it is, the more evidence is needed.
Groundbreaking ideas of course often contradict common sense but they
withstand only because there is evidence that supports them.

> Why don't you admit that there is no definitive answer to the questions
> I raised? I don't ask anyone to give evidence but without evidence don't
> claim other's belief is false as you do.

I did not say that there is a definitive answer; I also do not
categorical exclude that there might be an influence of ethernet cables
or server tweaks - it's just unlikely (and in this case even very
implausible). It's generally hard to prove the non-existence of
something, but there are a lot of arguments in this thread that exclude
at least the most "obvious" ways of possible influences and that qualify
for being "reasonable" and "verifiable". On the other hand, there was
_not a single_ argument supporting these outrageous claims that would
qualify for this category.

I do ask everyone to give evidence if he claims something to be true that
is not obvious. And instead of saying "I don't know" (as you suggested)
setting the stage for further subjectivism, I follow the discussion,
evaluate the arguments and decide for the position that is well supported
by qualified evidence.

It's that simple.



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