adamdea;686906 Wrote: 
> Having read soundchecks last posts it seems quite clear that he is
> saying that the server optimisation works because it affects the shape
> of the data packages going into the touc and does not depend on noise
> being transmitted via Ethernet. 
> I am also aware that soundcheck feels able to discount perceptual bias
> in those reporting improvements from server side tweaks ( but to rely
> on it to explain those who report no audible effect).
> Just to clarify could evdplanke please confirm whether this was what he
> described as being wise a few dozen posts ago?

Agree he doesn't think it is noise. It's not clear what he thinks it
is. He talks about "bit" and "shape" which if it means anything at all
would be an OSI layer 7 (physical) thing that the OS has no control
over - it is managed by the NIC firmware and hardware and the physical
components such as cabling.

The point has to remain that once an IP packet has been received and
the (music) bits stored in RAM for playback WHATEVER HAPPENED to the
music information (data) on its journey from hard disk to Touch is now
over and done with and the server etc has no way of influencing it. All
that is left is data values and we know they are 100% correct within the

Hence, even if what is being described is not noise injected via the
ethernet cable or being generated in the Touch NIC... playback from the
buffer with the network disconnected and dormant must represent the best
possible situation for the Touch to create its best sound... free from
ANYTHING the server/network is doing

... and yet nobody can hear it and I can't detect it with ADM (FWIW).

I'm pretty sure that 45 seconds of (FLAC) playback should be enough to
hear a difference... if it isn't, then I stand by my argument that if
you haven't heard a difference by then, there is no difference.

Phil Leigh

You want to see the signal path BEFORE it gets onto a CD/
ain't what you'd call minimal...
Touch(wired/W7)+Teddy Pardo PSU - Audiolense 3.3/2.0+INGUZ DRC - MF M1
DAC - Linn 5103 - full Aktiv 5.1 system (6x LK140's,
ESPEK/TRIKAN/KATAN/SEIZMIK 10.5), Pekin Tuner, Townsend
Supertweeters,VdH Toslink,Kimber 8TC Speaker & Chord Signature Plus
Interconnect cables
Stax4070+SRM7/II phones
Kitchen Boom, Outdoors: SB Radio, Harmony One remote for everything.
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