On 29 Jan 2012, at 23:35, Phil Leigh wrote:

> Archimago;687200 Wrote: 
>> Many times in magazines like Stereophile, you see John Atkinson measure
>> something poorly yet the subjective evaluator gives it an A for sound.
>> Have you seen cases of definite fantastic measurements of the usual
>> parameters (eg. Flat freq response, low distortion, great noise floor)
>> whether it be DAC, speakers, CDP, etc. but where the equipment
>> decidedly sounds bad (not due to user error)?
> Quad 33/303... Very soggy sounding to me, no guts. OK so that was quite
> a while ago... 

How old were they at the time?

My Quad systems (not 33/303 but 44/306 with SB2 (only source) and, currently, 
low end B&W speakers; and 66/606 with 989s) sound anything but soggy/gutless, 
but being 20+ years old they've had capacitors etc renewed, which made a 

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