On 2 Feb 2012, at 15:36, cliveb wrote:

> cunobelinus;688073 Wrote: 
>> You can transfer a 45 minute LP in 15 minutes? That's a neat trick.
> Surely TheLastMan means that it takes an extra 15 mins on top of the
> time to do the actual recording.

Clearly, in which case by setting his figure of 15 minutes against mine of 3 to 
4 hours he was, for his own purpose, failing to compare like with like, which 
is what I was pointing out. His figure was only for post processing. Mine was 
for the whole process from the moment I selected the record to transfer to the 
last full stop at the end of tagging. It seemed to me rather strange - one 
might almost say wilful - to juxtapose the two figures without acknowledgement 
of that fact.

My apologies if that was unclear, but I'd much prefer light heartedly to use a 
little wit and indirection to counter a fallacy - and possibly raise a laugh in 
the process - than plod clumsily through some tedious step by step rebuttal, 
(which would in any case to have expended more time and energy on the point 
than it deserved), unusual though this approach might be on an audiophile list.
> cunobelinus;688073 Wrote: 
>> It tends to take me 45 minutes, plus the time it takes to clean, set
>> levels (often needing a complete dry run through in itself, watching
>> the meters all the time, if I'm dealing with unfamiliar music on a disc
>> I've not previously heard)
> Assuming you're using a decent modern soundcard its noise floor will be
> so far below that of the vinyl that you have heaps of headroom
> available. Therefore you can afford to be very conservative when
> setting levels and normalise later. So no need for a dry run, which
> will save you 45 mins.

Thanks for the suggestion, but as far as I remember, despite a very decent ADC, 
that was not my experience with those of the classical recordings that I was 
transferring that have an extremely wide dynamic range. I'll experiment again 
next time I have a session, though, and pray I'm wrong.
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