On 6 Feb 2012, at 17:28, erland wrote:

> superbonham;688941 Wrote: 
>> I was unhappy with the somewhat narrow and nasal sound of my
>> squezzeboxes for a long time. Inspired by this thread I changed the
>> language setting of my music server from German to English and - to my
>> utter surprise - the music instantly sounded better: somehow broader,
>> more open (in a very cosmopolitan way); this must have been the German
>> umlauts I suspect. Still there was some harshness left, mainly in soft
>> vocal music. Then the scales fell from my eyes: I was still using a
>> German keyboard (how could I have been so careless?). I changed it
>> immediately and was awarded with silky smooth music filling my living
>> room.
>> The good thing about this revelation for us audiophiles is that there
>> are of course endless combinations ahead of us waiting to be tried out.
>> Lately I worried that we might run out of server tweaking options,
>> having to simply enjoy music without being able to fiddle with OS
>> settings - but now I am confident that the journey has just begun ...
> I'm sure it's all in the pixels.
> A language with more pixels likely mean different CPU usage and
> different noise, which will affect the sound...
> The optimal solution is if you can align the pixels on the screen so
> they are aligned with the music, but that might mean that you have to
> change the tags in your music files and that might have other
> disadvantages...
> ;-)
Looks like a Runic localisation may be in the pipeline.
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