Mnyb;689195 Wrote: 
> Are we mixing two things in this tread recording and playback ?
> Are they not all kinds of very good reasons to record at higher rates
> 24/96 produce the thing and then properly normalise downsample and
> dither and have a well produced 16/44.1 CD .
> And this sound just fine , it is very likely that most of us would fail
> to abx this.
> Is this not in fact the typical mo of modern recording ? ( with the
> destructive loudness war phase removed )
> Dow sampling well done modern hirez production is one thing to abx .
> ( not one off hdcraps 45y old analog rock classics I bet here 14bits
> are ok ).
> I can donate some itrax tunes ( aix ) for the purpose or a chesky .
> But recording all tracks at 16/44.1 and then produce the whole shebang
> at this rate ?
> And do the same process at higher rate in parallell ? This would be
> interesting to abx.
> The pro's that are in this tread, are there any ADC's you would
> consider transparent especially one that also can do 16/44.1 as oposed
> to the modern 24/48-192k setting and have > 1 of them ?
> Wombat or phil may be able to find studio time ? Afaik your studio
> software would remeber what you did when producing so repeating these
> steps would be feasible.
> What would a modern DAW do whith 16/44.1 original data would it
> upsample and turn it to 32 bit floating piont data so that all plugins
> eq and stuff would work transparently ? Can this be defeated ?
> Anyone any good at singing or playing ?
I am no pro but recording, editing, applying effects of cause should be
done at the highest rate it is comfortable to work with. Why not if the
power is simply there with todays hardware.
I did read about several plugins for VST hosts that indeed work at
higher sampling and bitrate internaly.
For the final distribution to us listeners i still think anything
higher as 16/44.1 will hardly give us any benefit. Of cause when this
last step is done correctly.


Transporter (modded) -> RG142 -> Avantgarde Acoustic based 500VA
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