eeyep'An Interview with Andrew Jones of Pioneer/TAD'

Positive Feedback
What about audiophile type parts?
Any advantage?
Wire, caps, etc.

Andrew Jones
We have high quality parts certainly, mostly manufactured by ourselves
or to our specification.
If you mean name brands of audiophile parts, then no.
We do not put in such parts as a means for listeners to think "Oh, it
contains brand X capacitors, it must be good" for example.
We select our parts based on engineering, not marketing.

Positive Feedback
So then, is it all about engineering?

Andrew Jones

Positive Feedback
What role is listening involved in with respect to the
design/measurements …or does the actual design/measurements take
precedent over what you hear… that is, if I can hear it, who cares how
it measures?

Andrew Jones
First comes the measurement.
There are a lot of parameters in speakers that can be measured that are
known to correlate well with listening.
The problem that I see so often from those who doubt such correlation
exists is that they don't know how to measure accurately!
I see their curves and I see the artifacts in the curves that are the
result of measurement errors and nothing to do with the behaviour of
the speaker itself!
Accurate measurements and a sufficient set of measurements go a long
way to revealing the performance, and allow us to get towards the final
result very much quicker than with just listening alone.
My approach is to set a design goal for the measured performance, meet
this as close as possible, then evaluate the result by listening, but
ONLY once I believe I have met the initial design objective.
Then I try and honestly evaluate the result, and if (when……) I hear
something wrong I go back and see if I can correlate this to the
Maybe I was too enthusiastic in my evaluation of having met my target.
Maybe my target is just wrong.
I go back and make changes based on the re-evaluation, then re-listen.
But I am always cross referring to the measurements.

Positive Feedback
What shortcomings or limitations are there as to what one can measure
versus what can hear?

Andrew Jones
I am not implying that we can measure everything that we hear.
But we can measure a lot so we can shorten the design process.
We can also however hear a lot of what isn't actually there!
We can be easily misled in our hearing evaluation and attribute things
that don't really exist.
With too many variables during the design process we can also become
So we have to be as careful in our listening as we have to be in our


''Audio Amateur' interviews Peter Walker at the Quad Factory in 1978'

The Audio Amateur
What do you consider to be the important goals of a good audio
reproduction system - what ought a good audio reproduction system do?

Peter Walker
Well, perhaps this reflects my age (62 at the time of the interview),
but I am still in favour of documentary type reproduction - an
orchestra plays on a stage or in some auditorium and we try to get a
real, believable picture of it.
This is becoming out of date, of course.
It's now thought that a completely new type of sound should be
I can't argue against this.
I can't say there's anything wrong with this.
Perhaps if Bach were around now he'd do the same thing, hit you on the
head and do all sorts of things to produce an effect.
But my own personal preference, my own goal, is to create a true sound
picture of some acoustic event which is taking place somewhere else.
The argument against that is that it had to be produced in a concert
hall at one time, because there was no other means.
But why should one stick to the concert hall? I stick to that, but
that's just personal prejudice.

You don 't like to sit in the middle of the orchestra, then?

I sit in the middle of the orchestra twice a week, in the local group,
playing the flute with the trombones and French horns behind me.
And very nice it is too, but, no, I don't like sitting in the middle of
the orchestra.
I don' t think one likes sounds from behind one particularly, I think
you want to turn and face it.
An alarm calls from behind.

Well, does that mean you're not taken with some forms of four channel?
With quadrophony or whatever?

I think there are two faults with it.
One is that in a concert hall you have the reverberation all around
you, but all the reverberation from the back comes from a whole lot of
sources that are not coherent with one another; if you sat in the
Albert Hall and all the back reverberation was brought into two
coherent channels, from two points, you wouldn't like it at all.
All four channel must do this.
This is one failure.
The second thing, I think the listener has a "cone" of concentration in
listening, which is located in some 60 degree or arguable angle in
front, and one's main concentration is on that.
The back sounds you tend to ignore.
This is what your ear-flaps are for.
In a concert hall you reject this back sound. It is there, and
therefore it's part of the reproduction, but it is of very small
As long as the reverberation is not coherent with the actual program,
this is really all that is necessary.
The Queen will sit in a box in a concert hall, and a wall is six feet
behind her, a delay of 12 milliseconds there.
She hears a pretty good reproduction of the orchestra in front, she
doesn't really worry about this wall, but if you sat in the middle of
the concert hall and someone produced a thick blanket 12 feet behind
you, would you lose very much of the music?
I don' t think so.


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