JohnSwenson;692188 Wrote: 
> This brings up the issue of software upsampling and NOS DACs. First off
> NOS does not mean no filter, just not a digital filter, you can still
> put an analog filter on a NOS DAC. If the builtin digital filters are
> the problem, it seems that a good NOS DAC playing upsampled files that
> were generated with a properly implemented software filter should
> provide good sound. And my experience is that indeed it does,
> especially if you put a 2 or 3 pole analog filter after the NOS DAC to
> get rid of residual high frequency noise. Note this has to be a GOOD
> NOS DAC, not one of those cheap 16 bit ones from people that have no
> clue what they are doing. 
> There are a lot of people that are doing software upsampling and
> feeding the results into soundcards and external DACs that I think are
> trying to do the same sort of thing, but the data is still going
> through the compromised digital filter in the DAC chip. It would be
> much better if they fed it through a good NOS DAC. 
John this is fascinating stuff, but the terminology is getting
confusing to me. NOS  literally stands for non oversampling (?) - but
tends to be associated with either no filter or analogue output filter.

Forgive my ignorance but how do  "upsampled files that were generated
with a properly implemented software filter" differ from the
up/oversampling which would go on in an ordinary OS dac? It seems to me
that you clearly have both oversampling and a digital filter here- your
just doing it in software.

For the sake of simplifying Inguz all my files are (courtesy of Phil's
tweak) upsampled by sox to 96 kHz before streaming to my dac. Is this
what you have in mind? I can't see how you can go beyond 96kHz via a

If the processing power in the dac is the limiting factor I see why it
might be better to finesse this in software. I hope I am not making a
fool of myself by I can't see how this differs in principle from the
classic OS dac with a final analog filter to remove images above half
the oversampling frequency.  Would this be NOS in the sense that
Kusunoki meant it

Presumably with will only work with a multi bit dac this natively works
at the upsampled frequency not a delta sigma one as those will
presumably inevitably have their own filters.

[I fear I am betraying my ignorance but I have never been able to grasp
the difference between upsampling and oversampling]

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