PasTim;697814 Wrote: 
> Some people can quote latin, but have no manners.  Being rude is not
> clever.
> It seems to me that many naysayers are more strident than those saying
> 'give this a try'.  I can't understand why people feel so strongly
> about it.  
> Personally I think it quite unlikely that any of these tweaks can have
> a noticeable effect.  However, since no one has proved any of this one
> way or the other by proper scientific experiment, beyond any doubt, I'm
> content to let people play around and report on it as they see fit. 
> Others are free to criticise, but why get so personal about it?
> I'm getting off this thread (not for the first time).
> Enjoy.

Actually, Phil mentioning that he measured a small difference on the
analog outs of the Touch with and without TT 3.0

If that small difference relates to an audible difference is another

Jeff Flowerday
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