rgro;697625 Wrote: 
> Darrell---A respectful disagreement, in my book, should always be,
> itself, respected.  
> However, while I'm quite lazy and loathe to go back through all 185
> pages of postings, I cannot really recall that anyone here has made a
> claim of any of these mods being science (to be sure, there have been
> claims of differences heard--an opinion).  There have been plenty of
> claims that the mods are not.
> To wit: A number of folks claim that some of these mods, to their own
> ears, make their music sound different/better.  A number of other
> people have said that until there is scientific proof (i.e. double
> blind testing, etc.) that, as a result of these mods, their music
> sounds better/different, these claims of improvements are simply a
> matter of opinion and not fact.
> What several posters have been saying is why not just leave it at that?
> Most people who feel that they do hear a positive change seem quite
> content to leave it at that.  Nobody here is forcing anyone to make
> these mods nor attempting the charge exorbitant prices to convince you
> that these mods are "the next big thing" in audio. So why not just
> leave these poor sods to live happily in their unproven world of
> Soundcheck's mods? 
> My recollection is that people like SBGK, Soundcheck, Magiccarpetride,
> GuidoF, etc. have simply come here and stated that they hear something
> different.  As I also recall, the overarching comments have been "try
> them---if they don't make any difference, reverse them".  Again, no
> harm, no foul.   I will grant that some of the claims have contained
> some hyberbole, as have some of the counterclaims--both sides are
> guilty.  
> I personally find the server, TCP/IP stuff, and cable tweaks out of my
> "comfort zone" and have no interest in trying them, so I won't.  But I
> certainly don't begrudge nor wish to attempt to muzzle those who
> will--as long as what is being said is said civilly and with respect to
> those who have a different point of view.  
> And, to Darrell:  While I agree with some of what you said about not
> all opinions being equally valid, please tell me how our liking the
> qualities of one sound over another is NOT opinion.  Some aspects of
> this are  measurable, to be sure, but whether or not we LIKE, or
> prefer, the sound quality of one speaker/amplifier/dac/soundcheck mod
> over another is surely ONLY a matter of our personal opinion no matter
> what the devices measure, empirically.  And because those are opinions
> of preference, like food, wine, composers, bands, etc., most of those
> sorts of opinions are, indeed, valid.
> The real battles have arisen here because the scientist-minded among
> this community have demanded proof of something that nobody's
> particularly interested in proving scientifically.   
> And, in fact, the clear message has been: "if you can't prove it, don't
> say it". I DO find that strident and, as a general tenet of my personal
> philosophy, object to those who take that approach. I am perfectly
> capable of doing my own research, paying attention to those folks who's
> opinions I respect, doing my own evaluations, and coming to my own
> conclusions.  I DON'T brook someone insulting me for going through that
> process and coming up with an answer (or opinion) that is not the same
> as theirs. 
> The [non-science] folks in this small little corner of things, are
> perfectly content to leave these mods unproven.  There's no intent that
> I've seen to proselytize this out to the general world of audio nor to
> cast aspersions on those who elect not to try them.
> Again, I would say:  if you don't like the content of this thread,
> ignore it.  I have no problem whatsoever with folks posting contrary
> opinion or reminding others of what the objective perspective is.  But,
> at the least, respect the wishes of the rest who wish to dwell here, are
> well aware that these mods are not objectively proven, and would,
> nonetheless, like to continue to have these discussions.

Hi rgro, I've quickly skimmed your post, but it deserves careful
reading and a considered response. It's too late tonight, so I'll have
to wait until tomorrow. You make some very interesting points, though,
maybe I shouldn't have asked for the topic to be closed...

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