magiccarpetride wrote: 
> ...and people should not be afraid or feel stultified when it comes to
> enjoying life.) 

I understand there are cultural niceties one normally follows in casual
social settings - you don't tell a new mother that her baby is ugly,
even if it is - but that is not the setting in which this discussion is
taking place. 

To reuse the Peter Belt example, it is simply stupid to think that one
can publicly announce that frozen photos improve the sound quality of a
stereo and, once again, feel -entitled- for that statement to go

When you're that far outside of the boundaries of how sound is recorded,
played back, travels through air, is received by the ears and processed
by the auditory portion of the brain, I think a person should feel a a
bit stultified. The burden is on them to make a case that something
other than fevered imagination is at work. 

However, the people who throw out such ideas in audio are rarely
satisfied with their pet effect being a product of their own
imagination. They seem to desperately want confirmation, acceptance and
endorsement of their belief as "science". One doesn't have to read very
many audio forums for very long to find a consistent pattern along these

So, tolerate? Sure - let do whatever makes them happy in the pursuit of
audio enjoyment. They just shouldn't expect confirmation and endorsement
as some sort of God-given right.

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