magiccarpetride wrote: 
> I think you're missing the point. In a more hardcore testing situation,
> such as testing a life saving drug, the test subject is not asked
> afterwards to give his/her opinion/evaluation. The results of the test
> are gathered by doing blood analysis, or by measuring other similar
> non-subjective factors that can easily and non-abmbiguously be measured,
> not by test subjects filling out a questionnaire.

There are plenty of other blind situations where our subjects could be
"stressed" by the lack of comfort in making a choice that is in line
with the selection they would make in a "sighted" situation. There has
been a lot of psychological research done over the years and the only
place the "stress" issue in blind testing consistently arises is from
audiophiles who seek to explain or discount the change in results
compared to sighted testing. 

Even in the famous "Judgement of Paris" wine competition where the
French lost to California wines for the first time, there were lots of
complaints about methodology and statistics, but "stress" was not one of
the excuses. Eventually most in the wine world accepted that the prior
conventional wisdom regarding wine quality had been rightly upset. 

In short, we have a whiny excuse that only surfaces when audiophiles are
embarrassed that they can't spot those "enormous" differences in
situations where their conscious or subconscious have lost the ability
to manipulate the situation. 

Guess we'll just have to disagree. In your case, any situation where a
listener is deprived of the opportunity to confirm their conscious or
unconscious sighted bias, results can be discarded due to "stress". I'm
of the opinion that blind testing often illustrates that those
"enormous" differences aren't quite as big as originally thought.

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