edodo wrote: 
> Insulting people are always TROLLS
> What I meant is "which active speakers with active crossover are
> inferior", please elaborate.
> Now your statement is basically what "chest pump" you are referring to.
> I have a good ear, and I know a thing or two about music history and
> composition, although in electronic things related I let the techs
> speaks... Never said I was the king of the hill. When I am put down in
> such an insulting manner how would you react? I'm just saying that in
> passive crossover there is a big amount of distorsion and unless you
> resolve this with "magic" you are behind a veiled system to critically
> judge this mod.

You were implicitly calling your interlocutors children, which is
insulting in the first place, and telling everyone your speakers were
better than theirs based on the fact that they're active. If you're
going to do stuff like that, you can expect a harsh response. In fact,
you pretty much invited it. And you'll note that in a thread about
tweakery involving settings on the os of your squeezebox, accusing your
opponents of not being able to hear the difference between good speakers
and poor ones is an irrelevance in the first place, and compounded with
the fact that, at least insofar as your post makes any sense, the good
speakers you are speaking of you seem to have claimed are better (than
all passive ones, supposedly, and certainly better than any your
opponents own) _precisely_ because they are active, which brings us to
another point. 

As far as active speakers go, nearly the whole of the studio monitor
market is active. Some of those speakers are wonderful, and some of them
suck. The whole thing about "which active speakers are inferior" is
frankly a little silly: there are wonderful and terrible active
speakers, as there are wonderful and terrible passive speakers. I'd take
a pair of Danley unity horns or a pair of Geddes summas over pretty
nearly any active speakers I've ever heard, including the k+h o410s.
There really are advantages to going active, that's indisputable. But 
not all active speakers are great, and not all passive speakers are
worse than all active speakers, or even all really good active speakers.
Active speakers do seem like a better way to go, I agree, but that's
really a separate point, completely different from the original point
under discussion, and would best be brought up in a more reasonable
manner: I would guess that with the advent of crossovers in dsp and
cheapish class d amps, they will eventually become the norm.

As far as chest thumping goes, the post of yours I called trollery had
the following content: "my ears are really good, I'm an adult, and my
speakers are really good: if you disagree with me, one of these
properties does not hold of you". In the first place, the "My ears are
better than yours and so is my stereo" thing is a tired piece of
rhetorical flotsam that the pure subjective types always bring up under
pressure. It's not an argument at all, and is insulting enough that the
only response it deserves is mockery. In the second place, the whole
active speaker canard is typical of the hysterical humanities major type
arguing about technical subjects he has no real idea about, so I poked
you about it. In the third place, you either don't seem to know about
expectation biases or seem to think they don't apply to you because you
are an adult: this is so foolish it deserved pointing out. 

I said all of this more succinctly in my first response to you, of which
you seem to have only read the last sentence. Anyway, screaming "TROLL"
without any accompanying argument after being called out for such stuff
is just digging your hole deeper.

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