diego wrote: 
> Thanks, Darrenyeats! However, I just don't want to believe that there is
> no room for improvement... I will be upgrading my DAC soon to support
> async USB. I will then try to connect the Touch over USB to see if this
> gets me further.
> ¿¿¿
> ¿ Has anyone tried, whether Triode's app or JohnSwenson modification to
> the asound.conf deliver the better sound quality over an async usb DAC
> (only up to 96 khz) ?
> ???
> I do currently not want to stream files with higher rates than 96 khz
> (my DAC currently does support "only" up to 96khz), so Triodes
> 192khz-feature is currently "overkill" for my purpose. Anyway, as far as
> I know, almost no music is recorded using those ultra expensive rare
> microphones, that would support higher frequencies than 44.1khz digital
> files would deliver. So I don't care much about 192 khz (as long as I
> can play them and they are decently downsampled by the squeezbox
> server).
> The thread is still open for any suggestion of whom has managed to bring
> out the "non plus ultra" sounding digital stream out of a squeezebox
> system :) !
> Cheers!

What your not telling us is what your amp and speakers are, are they
capable of resolving any differences. Also, if you say you don't have
time to do any serious listening how are you going to know if there are
any differences.

On my system triodes mods made a difference to the 16/44.1 files as well
as the higher sample rates so I would recommend that. TT3.0 allows
things to be switched off therefore lowering the noise level. I can send
you some settings I use to improve on the default TT3.0 settings. PM me
if you are interested.

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