mlsstl wrote: 
> The mental image of an audiophile in the 1960s was a handsome young
> fellow in his smoking jacket, holding his pipe while pulling out a hot
> jazz album to put on the turntable to impress the beautiful young lass
> sitting on the sofa nursing a highball. 
> What's the mental picture of an audiophile in 2012? An aging, paunchy
> fellow, sitting all by himself, wondering which set of magic cables will
> expand the "soundstage" of the 10th remaster of a multi-miked and
> overprocessed classic rock album by 6 inches. 
> And one wonders why the hobby doesn't have much appeal for the young
> trendy types these days.  The world has simply moved on. 
> ;-)

You must be joking!

it's 2012 and at over a weekend the end of May, as we have done since
my fellow DIY valve amp hobbyists will be having our six monthly meeting
in a local pub function room.
We have a great time and we certainly DONT believe in exotic wires or
any of the other foolery that goes with the outer limits of this hobby.
This is how I'll be dressing for the occasion.


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