mlsstl wrote: 
> I disagree with some of your points and agree only tepidly with others.
> The 1960s were probably the golden age of hi-fi. The 1950s were still
> heavily DIY and by the 1970s things had started dividing into mass
> market vs an increasing trend toward super pricey stuff (the Sequerra
> tuner came out in the mid-70s, priced at a then-unheard of price of over
> $3,000.)
> But in the 60s, any up & coming sophisticated young man had to have a
> nice hi-fi system, and for the most part one could put together a very
> respectable system on a young professional's income. One can leaf
> through the Playboy and Esquire magazines of that period, or watch how
> movies & TV presented trendy young men, and get a pretty good idea that
> good hi-fi systems were hot stuff. 
> I don't think things are any more complicated than the attention span of
> modern young trend setters is simply pointed in a different direction
> these days. 
> Of course, it didn't help that the high-end segment of the audio hobby
> devolved into a super high priced, obscure chase for wires, tweaks and
> generally strange things that make no sense to the majority of the
> populace. The mental image of an audiophile in the 1960s was a handsome
> young fellow in his smoking jacket, holding his pipe while pulling out a
> hot jazz album to put on the turntable to impress the beautiful young
> lass sitting on the sofa nursing a highball. 
> What's the mental picture of an audiophile in 2012? An aging, paunchy
> fellow, sitting all by himself, wondering which set of magic cables will
> expand the "soundstage" of the 10th remaster of a multi-miked and
> overprocessed classic rock album by 6 inches. 
> And one wonders why the hobby doesn't have much appeal for the young
> trendy types these days.  The world has simply moved on. 
> ;-)

The sad thing is that it is the same fellow ;-)

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