aubuti wrote: 
> NoRoDa has provided a lot of the details of test conditions in various
> posts in this thread and the thread to which he linked when starting
> this thread. Btw, it is easy to find those posts by clicking on the link
> that shows NoRoDa's username, and then choosing "View Forum Posts." Also
> don't forget to see the ancillary material by member "baardbaard", who
> was also involved in the tests.
> Perhaps most important, NoRoDa has already said that the test "...wasn't
> double blind or very scientific in any way...", which may be why more
> details were neither offered or requested by other forum members. But
> now that you're a part of the discussion, feel free to ask about details
> that haven't been included yet. My take-away from NoRoDa's disclaimer is
> that that time would be better spent trying to improve the protocol
> rather than trying to reproduce it. *Having two SB Touch players to test
> side-by-side seems to be a critical improvement over (almost?) every
> other comparison that has been posted on this topic in this forum, which
> generally compare the same Touch before/after mods.*

Thanks aubuti.

The primary goal of the blind listening was to check the differences
between a factory/vanilla SBT and one with TT3.0 installed.
There was just me and baardbaard present at the time of the listening.
Two guys that finally had the chance to listen to two SBTs at once.

Please do not read this thread as if it was a thread about how to
perform a repeatable double blind test. This is just my (and
baardbaard's) experience and surprise when listening without expectation

Remember that I reported much better sound when installing TT3.0 in my
system, and I also heard differences when changeing priority settings in
I even heard a difference when the PRIOIRQ47 went from 40 to 41.
But the time from the changes were made until the restarts were
completed and the music started again, probably was too long and made my
head fill up with expectation bias...?

There is no proof in our blind listening
- We haven't proved that it's possible to hear a difference between a
vanilla SBT and a TT3.0 mod
- We haven't proved that it isn't possible to hear a difference between
wired LAN and wireless.


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