Interesting article.

For me, morally as well as legally, one
should obtain music in a way that at least has the potential to provide
the writers and performers of the music with money unless they
specifically choose to give the music away.  That could be through
direct payment for the music or it could be by consuming the music
through a service where advertising revenue is fed back to the producers
of the music or any other such arrangement as someone can devise.

I also don't think that obligation goes away if we happen to know the
commercial arrangement between a particular artist and their record
company and think the record company is being greedy.

The article makes mention of the supply of technology and services to
enable music to be pirated and it is perhaps worth noting that the
supply of these is subject to competition which tends to work in favour
of the consumer compared to the supply being a monopoly.  By contrast
whoever holds the rights to a creative work has an effective monopoly. 
The same song has not been written by anyone else nor the same movie
produced by anyone else.  Here in the UK the rights to televise some
football matches have been auctioned for a ridiculous sum of money which
the companies concerned expect to recover from their subscribers because
they know many of them would never refuse to pay and do without the
content concerned, yet that is the correct response when we, as
consumers, do not find the terms offers by the rights owners acceptable.

Finally we come to the analogy of the neighbourhood called "The Net" and
its lack of police force.  This analogy is clearly designed to lead us
to the conclusion that extra laws that restrict the rights of citizens
or allow them to acted against as if guilty when guilt has not been
established are as natural as putting in the missing police force.  Here
I must wholeheartedly disagree.  Principles such as innocent until
proven guilty and the freedom of people to go about their business
without undue interference are more important than the problems of the
rights owners and should not be eroded.

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