magiccarpetride wrote: 
> Same as the death of telegram industry had no negative effect on
> people's ability to communicate long distance.

Not necessarily true - most of the telegraph industries morphed into
telephone companies - and are now looking at multiple communication
media.  There are several issues facing the music industry:
- rise of piracy due to both the "entitlement culture" and a is-judged
idea of exploitation
- An inability over the last two decades to embrace new business models
(unlike the telegraph industry) - caused in part by the success of CD
(enabling them to sell the same content twice to consumers) and
complacency - in turn allowing Apple and now Spotify to get in on the
- A rise in the power of major artists - no longer an exploitative cash
cow for them

Therefore it is plausible that the current crop of large players may go.
However a music industry needs to exist - despite the rise of social
media a media company acts as an arbiter of quality - filtering out the
"good" from the "dross" for the mainstream - the kind of music I like
will always be on the periphery of this, but it serves a purpose.

I think the piracy debate is different when it comes to the exploitation
of musicians - and that is where the original article is great...


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