Not sure whether to post this here or in the Touch or General sections.
Hopefully someone here might be able to point me in the right

Over the last few days I have noticed that all the 48kHz flac files
played from my SB Touch through my Cyrus DAC-X are stuttering, but all
44.1, 88.2 and 96 kHz material seems to play fine, without a hitch. I
haven't had a chance to swap the source and try a bunch of experiments,
but the analog output of the Touch when listened through the headphones
appears to work normally, so I think the problem is either in the
digital out section of the Touch or in the DAC. I've used this DAC-X
with an SB2 since 2006 and for at least 2+ years with the Touch without
any problems. The only issue I noticed about a week ago was some mild
digital crackling which went away after a few minutes, again I haven't
localized that to the Touch or the DAC, but standard redbook CDs played
from my Cyrus CD8 player through the same DAC seemed fine. Has anyone
seen something like this before? Any ideas? Is this a forewarning for
some bit of equipment breaking down?


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