Mnyb wrote: 
> in fact all the reasoning you cited (cant find that post ) is clearly
> the usual spiel from someone who actually don't understand the sample
> theorem and is influnced by audiophile beliefs .

Yes - the next thing he will be claiming is that you get a "clearer" and
"shinier" sound by using USB cables with silver instead of copper wires.
A lot of old-school audiophiles don't understand digital technology, but
still apply their analog-age beliefs to digital.

> The usual audiophile myths is that time resolving is limited to 1/44.1
> for CD this is not true ,just look at the reconstructed analogue signal
> it looks continues to me and will be identical to to the original
> -bandwidth limited- signal.

I still hurt from the bad beating I got on Computer Audiophool when I
tried to explain that, even using waveform plots...

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