Mnyb wrote: 
> So given modern studios the CD's or downloads is a mathematical exercise
> so imo it is close to the theory
Maybe, but you can't argue that by referring to (only) Nyquist - the
main point of my first post.

Mnyb wrote: 
> And have a listen , in practice I do this now and then I must admit that
> I have yet to find a definitive difference and for kicks try both
> 24/44.1 and 16/44.1 of you precius 24/192 master.

"Definitive" is a strong word, but how about "maybe"...?

Mnyb wrote: 
> "Remastered" is usually [a label of the exact opposite...]

"Usually", but not always, and by who's count - oh my head hurts :)

Mnyb wrote: 
> But all this is surpased by the real world soundquality of most
> recordings , hence we are all discussing the wrong problem we get back
> to this topic when recording quality in general is up to it :) or even
> up to lowly CD spec ?

That begs the question - suppose there *is* a difference - then how
"good" does a recording have to be in order for "it" to be up to it...?

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