SoftwireEngineer wrote: 
> Gentlemen, whether you like it or not.. you have all paid for jitter
> reduction circuits in your audio equipment. The more you paid for it,
> the more percentage went into the jitter aspects of the design
> (especially the Meridian stuff, it takes quite a bit of software
> engineering to get that done and the cost has been passed on to you).
> Now for the part about , jitter is not audible  - similar logic goes
> into the premise behind mp3 (psychoacoustics). I guess you are all happy
> with mp3 (?). 
> There is a strong correlation between good sounding equipment and
> equipment with low jitter.

You misunderstood a thing no one says that jitter is inaudible , just
that typical levels in decent equipment are and in 2013 that includes
almost everything you can buy ,not by the concern of the manufacturer
but because the IC manufacturer simply does not such low performance
chip avaible anymore even at the lowest price levels :)

But if the jitter levels in all equipment already is below whats audible
:) thats the essence on what whe try to say almost all equipment are "
low jitter " . The correlation is gone because almost all equipment pass
And again did we discuss sources or the whole playback chain , give an
example of a DAC that does not attenuate source jitter in any way I
think it would be hard to find one .
So the jitter of the Touch ( which is inaudible ) is further attenuated
by the DAC to even lower levels , what is then the remaining problem ?
Even if the DAC did nothing to attenuate the jitter ? So we are
perfecting on perfection here ,technical perfection is good in itself
but why obsess over single factor in a system ? You may obsess over
jitter when designing a DAC if it impacts thd and noise then it needs to
be lower of you want better specs .
As a home user ask yourself is there anything else in my system that has
bigger impact than -100dB below signal level that I could fix first, fix
all those problems then obsess about jitter , or just buy a DAC with
good specs then chances are that the designer have though about it among
other factors .

The jitter thing is out of proportion in relation to it impact, but that
is at usually is today's trend in audiophilia is jitter and USB
interfaces , sometimes it is something else  .

I'm not happy with mp3 it is not an archival format and transcoding to
other formats in the future will introduce losses .
My rips are for the next generation to :)

And the mp3 decoder embedded in stuff like recievers processors and
*squeezeboxes* are not very good .
This means server transcoding if you want to use 320k mp3 or AAC or ogg
and have transparent decoding even if the encoding ( rip ) is .

And as we can see hometheater recievers and processors are using more
math like room correction and souround processing ,depending on those
algorithms it can go south of the source material does not have enough
real information . The processing could make it audible . I have tried
to test that assumption in my own system ( as it process everything )
but have so far been unable to prove anything very conclusive .
But I'm a bit undecided here I could not here any difference with
archomages test files he posted in another tread . In the past testing
with my own decoding of Kieth Jarrett live in Tokyo I could hear a
difference , but that was with my SB3's own mp3 decoder I did not know
that it was imperfect at the time , so I don't really trust lossy
compression :) I feel better knowing that's it not .
Btw the artefacts introduced by mp3 are much bigger than jitter induced
problems = if you can't hear mp3 artefacts you can't hear normal jitter
levels .

What I have done is transcoding a whole bunch of hirez files to
different rates including 16/44.1 and tested that , here I've yet to
encounter one instance of me hearing the difference .

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