SoftwireEngineer wrote: 
> Good to know that about Krell. It is a pity if a high-end piece of
> equipment changes its sonics because of the power cord. That means its
> own power supply is inadequate. Power supply should be 30-40% of an amps
> circuit. (I do use some after-market power cords with my equipment which
> do not have good power supply built in.  My search for a Power Factor
> Correcting power conditioner continues. Classe talk about PFC in their
> CP-800).

I could not agree more and that is one of the main reasons I disregard
much of the nonsense that is written in the high end audio press. While
I fully understand the need and room for improvements in equipment
designed and sold to and at a given price point, e.g. most mass market
audio equipment, I don't understand how or why "price no object"
equipment should have any room for after market improvements. If one is
spending five grand for a pre-amp one should expect, no demand, that the
supplied power cords is as good as can be.

Another area where market pressure has been known to force manufacturers
to change their initial designs has been the bi-wire and tri-wire craze.
Offering two sets of binding posts which are then reconnected once
inside the speaker serves no purpose other than keeping audiophiles
happy. Once again we see the results of the high end press shilling for
the cable manufacturers, you know their biggest advertisers and the
market segment with the highest profit margins. FOLLOW THE MONEY - it
never fails!

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