ralphpnj wrote: 
> Interesting, very interesting!
> Thanks for this very useful and insightful information. Please keep up
> the good work.

Oh, the things we do for a hobby :-)
It's fun to try this stuff to hopefully understand it myself instead of
getting spoon-fed by the standard audiophile press.

I added the THD graphs as well to the above.

Along with the RightMark measurements, I recorded the Dunn J-Test signal
through the devices also but am having a heck of a time figuring out
what FFT program & parameters to use (eg. what FFT size,
Hanning/Hamming/Blackmann..., etc.) for jitter analyze. So far, the
signals look very clean; it's certainly possible the E-Mu's ADC jitter
is high and overwhelming the picosecond effects. Anyone in the know
about the J-Test please point me to the right direction!

Some might wonder if a better USB cable makes a difference...  Short
answer: NO.

Long answer:
I torture-tested the USB2.0 connection by:
1. Connecting the E-Mu in loopback (both DAC & ADC functions) mode to
the front USB connector which is attached to the motherboard USB header
with thin unshielded wires.
2. I connected the E-Mu in loopback to an external USB 7-port hub.
3. While in condition 2, I did a file copy with an external USB
harddrive transferring ~24MB/sec through that hub while running the
RightMark test!

Even under condition 3 which is about as bad as you can get in terms of
saturating the USB port, there was no difference in the results! Usual
charts and graphs below...

And a picture of the SB3 on my test bench this AM getting checked out

|Filename: SB3.jpg                                                  |
|Download: http://forums.slimdevices.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=14317|

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