Okay guys, time to talk 24/192 with the Touch with EDO plugin. Thank you
Triode - amazing plugin/kernel!


What I find impressive here is the fact that TosLink to the Essence 1
worked at 24/192!!! In fact, that picture of the Touch in Part I playing
the 24/192 John Coltrane's "Blue Train" was through the TosLink (you can
see the 192kHz LED lit up on the Essence 1). This is why I'm very
impressed by the components used in the Touch; kudos to Logitech and
ASUS! Over the years, this is the first time I've been able to play
24/192 for hours without obvious clicks/pops/disruptions even with an
inexpensive plastic cable. To show the TosLink result above wasn't a
"one-off", here's a series of 4 runs with the TosLink done over about 2
hours - notice the inter-test reliability.


Like with the 24/96 tests, the RCA cable is showing its limits even more
with measurably increased noise floor (10 dB worse!) from the lack of
shielding and possibly data errors as the speed of data transfer
doubles. Another interesting phenomenon is that even the shielded
coaxial cable has a measurably higher noise floor compared to the
TosLink by about 2dB! Would an expensive coaxial cable improve this?
Possibly if the shielding is good.

Another observation with this test is that the noise level, dynamic
range, and stereo crosstalk are all WORSE than 24/96. Every piece of
equipment here from the E-Mu, to Essence 1, to Touch are running at max.
specifications so the system is running at it's limit. Furthermore, I
suspect there may be issues with the RightMark benchmark itself.  For
example, it doesn't seem capable of measuring the frequency response
beyond 50 kHz even though I know from other tests that I can play an
80kHz signal from the Touch -> Essence 1 -> E-Mu and successfully record
the signal (I don't think this limitation would affect the other
measurements though).

Here's the THD graph showing the increase in noise with the coaxial
interface - el cheapo RCA is looking bad here:

1. Thanks again to Triode for the EDO plugin/kernel. It works
beautifully and in my system with TosLink working, the Touch measures
within 1-2 dB in terms of noise level, dynamic range, and stereo
crosstalk compared to a direct USB connection to the DAC for 24/192

2. If you can get the TosLink to work, you've set yourself free from
electrical noise with "galvanic isolation" of the Touch and DAC. Again,
the fact that I could get TosLink 24/192 to work reliably between the
Touch and Essence One really is impressive and speaks well of the

3. A recurring theme in these tests is that of ELECTRICAL NOISE. Coaxial
cables need good shielding! Like I said before, I'm not sure what to
look for to know if jitter is a problem, but it's *very* obvious in the
measurements when noise creeps in and deteriorates the noise floor.

4. 24/192 does not measure as well in my system as 24/96. Writers like
Lavry and xiph.org have already eloquently documented their opinions
against 24/192 and I guess I can echo their concerns with the gear I'm
using for these tests...  Firstly, between 24/96 and 24/192, the
difference is ultrasonic; do we demand high-end SLR digital cameras to
also capture ultraviolet light? (Sure, you might want to do this for
specific scientific reasons.) Secondly, other than a handful of albums
usually from smaller labels like 2L, Reference and Linn, I have rarely
come across truly native 24/192 (or 24/176) recordings. IMO, it also
makes no sense to buy stuff like DSD64 converted to 24/176 such as many
of the HDTracks offers.

That's all for now...  Probably take a break from all this testing for
the next few days :-).

|Filename: 24-192_THD.jpg                                           |
|Download: http://forums.slimdevices.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=14366|

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